Friday, 25 July 2014



Well, here it is then, it's finally arrived. Over 7 months of build up, countless hours training, a leg waxing, highs and lows, some nightmare moments and some incredible achievements have all led to one point, a busy and bustling campsite a few miles from Lands End.  I can't wait to get started!

Thankfully the warm weather is set to ease off tomorrow so we'll not be too hot as we tackle what is undoubtedly one off the toughest days of LEJOG.  We're expecting over 9,000 feet of climbs, including a monster climb to Bodmin Moor, before we finish our 107 mile maiden leg in Okehampton.

Before all that hard work we took a bit of time to chill on the beach here - and it's a cracker!  Sorry, the sun was so bright the pic didn't come out too well - a long sandy beach with plenty of surfers - a hidden gem of a place.

Heroes of the day have to be Carla and Helen, they've taken turns to drive our trusty support vehicle, who we've named Herbie Swift, to our campsite inside 6 hours, including a few pit stops.  Here they are relaxing outside with Herbie nearby.

Dipstick of the day has to go to Brendon, as you can see he hasn't arrived yet, he's set off late and probably will not be here until somewhere between 8-9pm - not ideal prep but I think he'll be OK.

The puncture count has now been reset to 0 each - how many will we have by the end of the ride and who will be the prize puncture plum by the end? My money's on Brendon, but then he's stuck on the M5 near Bristol so is in no position to argue is he!

There's nothing much left to say now other than thanks very much for your kind support and generous donations - next time you'll hear from me I'll be 107 miles nearer John O'Groats!

I'm off to start the BBQ.

Happy Cycling


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